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Wolfermans Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Wolfermans.
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Wolfermans Reviews
Doesn’t honor cashback
Nearly every time I shop from this company and their family of brands (1800flowers, Personalization Mall, Cheryl’s, Harry & David, etc.) through TopCashBack, the cash back never posts. When I lodge a claim, they always reply that the order was started in a different channel. It never is. They’re just not wanting to honor the cash back. Although slightly less cash back, check out the other affiliate companies who will step in and help when they deny the request for approval.
CSmithGSC | Mar 23, 2023
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It wasn't right the first time, but after several emails back and forth with customer care, it did get corrected.
clwd | Dec 22, 2016
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