Shop online for shoes, hiking gear, outdoor apparel, high-quality camping equipment and more. You'll find a wide range of items, like running footwear, stylish activewear, pet beds and fishing supplies. Check out popular brands like Marmot, Carhartt, Merrell, New Balance and North Face.
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Large Marmot Long Hauler Duffel Bag
Best-Selling Items
If you're looking for luggage, the large Marmot Long Hauler duffel bag is perfect for camping and travel. It's big enough to shove countless items in, and it even has an interior mesh compartment for toiletries and accessories. Check out Sierra Trading Post's luggage guide to learn how to make the most of your space. Find this item under the Gear section.
And speaking of camping, no outdoors vacation is complete without proper hiking footwear. You can hit the trails for hours with the suede Merrell Wilderness AC+ boots for men. These sturdy and snug shoes, are made with extra thick material and supportive insoles. The tongue has special reinforcements to keep out moisture, so you can trek through the wilderness in any weather.
Moving on to activewear, the New Balance high-rise core cropped leggings for women are ideal for running. The moisture-wicking material will absorb sweat, and the special seaming in high-friction areas will prevent chafing. Pair these pants with the Radiant Elite jacket for a sleek, sporty look.
And what about some cute clothing for the little one? The Carhartt t-shirt, baby bodysuit and shorts set for infant girls is adorable. Designed with rustic and floral patterns, both outfits are great spring apparel, and the snaps by the neck and bottom make it easier to dress and remove. You can find this fantastic 3-piece gem under Kids' Clothing.