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Shopbop Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Shopbop.
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Shopbop Reviews
All my cash back from purchases are being declined by Shopbop.
jemtanghal | Nov 21, 2022
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Shopping at shopbop is really a bad experience for me. I bought two dresses from them and both the dresses were damage and didn't last even just a month. I thought I had bought good dresses really disappointing. Yesterday I got this new clothing dresses Sleeveless Wrap Dress .collective .collective Sleeveless Wrap Dress I ordered this a week before. Do you have any idea, which show can be fit for it?
| Sep 11, 2014
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My experience buying stuff at is not that amazing. I bought a jeans in shopbop and it also took them more than week before they can deliver it to me. That was not satisfying because I needed that earlier that time. And yesterday I got this clothing denim black jeans I ordered this a week before. Do you have any idea, which show can be fit for it?
| Sep 08, 2014
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Whereas this is an efficient service i would NOT advise non US or Canadians to use it. On export from the USA an amount is added to the bill to cover export/import duties. For the UK we experienced this to be 28% dispite the fact that duty in the UK would be a sales tax at 20%. In our case the goods ordered were returned. Again this worked efficiently but dispite 2 emials the duty was not returned. the charming person at the end of the phone when we called said that this was a deduction calculated by the UK government (it is not) and that we should ask them for the refund. This is perposterous as the UK govenment would never have received it and they would rightly argue that Shopbob should refund the amount.
As a one time offer Shopbob have agreed to refund. this is great but not an endorsement for non US / Canadian citizens to rely on.
To sum up, I can recommend for you a reputed website named They give excellent customer service and offer free global shipping. You should purchase one time with them.
| Mar 07, 2014
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Like this site a lot! Super easy, and shipping prices are very reasonable. However, I have noticed that sale items are often cheaper in the store. Other than that, a great site!
| Feb 27, 2014
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