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Perfect Pen & Stationery Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Perfect Pen & Stationery.
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Perfect Pen & Stationery Reviews
Perfect Pen & Stationary provides IMperfect customer service. Had to call and email multiple times to get the order. Seems it kept getting lost. Was quoted a promo price, but not a single person I spoke with mentioned the set up charges nor the high shipping costs. WARNING: DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY!!
Member731094768111 | Jul 12, 2021
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I ordered pens from Perfect Pen for an event with a specific date. After more than 6 weeks I called and emailed Perfect Pen to see what was happening. Perfect Pen could not find my order. So, I ordered new ones that arrived promptly. I payed immediately. Then, the original order arrived but the registration for the event had closed. Perfect Pen expected payment for the late pens that they couldn't find the order for. My partner spends $10,000 a year at Perfect Pen. We will no longer buy from them. That is how much their extremely poor customer service cost them.
| Jan 09, 2019
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