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Michael Kors Canada Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Michael Kors Canada.
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Michael Kors Canada Reviews
Lied about spending so less cash back paid
It’s been 2 months now and no resolution. I spent 111.75$ and Micheal Kors lied and said I only spent 79$ the cash back was advertised at 10% extra (I have a screenshot to show they are lying!)
They still have not responded to the error and I have receipts to prove my purchase amount.
I was only paid out 3$ which is false for both the advertised cash back amount as well as purchase amount.
TLDR Micheal Kors lied about purchase price and advertised cash back, still not replied over 2 months. Aka liars!
Neonbutterfly | Sep 11, 2024
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Posts without running after the cashback. Exactly what you want!
Quantum81 | Nov 16, 2019
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