Ready for your next outdoorsy adventure? Get cash back on Eddie Bauer fleece jackets, footwear and outdoor gear when you shop online through TopCashback.
We've partnered with one of the leading outerwear brands to help our members save on Eddie Bauer clothing, windbreakers, accessories, backpacks and more. With a variety of women's and men's sizes and styles as well as kids' clothing and jackets, you can find an entire new wardrobe for the next family hike!
Be sure to visit the Eddie Bauer sale and clearance section, where you'll find all the latest deal alerts on your favorite clothing, coats, jackets, women's and men's t-shirts, and gear available at Eddie Bauer. Here you'll also find Eddie Bauer coupons and promo codes, including additional discounts on men's and women's clearance items and seasonal Eddie Bauer sale events.
The Hiking Under $50 and Camping Under $75 sections are also great places to nab some deals on outdoor gear and apparel like women's and men's long-sleeve shirts, socks and sleeping bags. Just make sure to use the current Eddie Bauer coupon codes at checkout to save an extra percentage on your purchase.
Plus, if we have any Eddie Bauer coupon codes ourselves, you can stack them with our Eddie Bauer cash back offers!

Eddie Bauer Homepage
Stay comfy out there with an Eddie Bauer insulated jacket, goose down vest, or parka. The retailer has outerwear for every season and occasion, so whether you're looking for a rain jacket, a soft shell, or a shirt jacket with fleece lining, you're guaranteed to get the most out of your outdoor experience.
Want to keep extra warm? You can't go wrong with an Eddie Bauer puffer jacket, which comes in both women's and men's sizes. Hooded jacket styles include the Downlight FreeFuse Hoodie, which is insulated with premium goose down and is made with graphene-infused fabric that doesn't add extra bulk to your look.
Eddie Bauer men's jackets include parkas such as the Men's Superior Down Parka, which not only has a stylish, adjustable hood with faux fur but it’s also waterproof and has zipped pockets so your belongings (like your smartphone) stay dry.
Not a fan of the puffer jacket style? The Eddie Bauer Men's Superior Down Bomber Jacket is made with WeatherEdge seam-sealed technology and premium down insulation so you'll stay nice and toasty.
Other men’s jackets that are perfect for a day (or several days) out on the trail include the Men's Super Sevens Wind Jacket, made with stretchy, lightweight material that shields you from gusty weather and also pairs nicely with an Eddie Bauer rain jacket and fleece hoodie for the ultimate protection.
And for a casual look, the Men's CirrusLite Down Vest is versatile enough for exploring the great outdoors or walking around town.
Women will be ready for a day in the snow with one of the many puffer jackets, such as the Eddie Bauer Women's Sun Valley Down Parka, which comes in a variety of colors like navy blue, plum, and pale lavender. With zipped pockets to protect your personal items and a water-repellent finish, you're guaranteed to stay snug while braving the cold.
Complete your look with the Women's Chutes Fleece Shirt Jacket and a pair of Eddie Bauer pants like the Women's Voyager High-Rise Jeans with fleece lining.
Prefer something that can be layered? Eddie Bauer’s soft shell jacket can easily be paired with any of the windbreaker jackets for added warmth and comfort while hiking or biking.
Clothing & Gear
Whether you're looking for the latest summer tops, a long-sleeve shirt, or footwear to finish your ensemble, Eddie Bauer’s clothing line has plenty to choose from. Are you a fan of mock neck shirts? The High Route Grid Fleece Full-Zip Mock Neck (which comes in women's and men's sizes) is a great pick. Or for those hot days, the Eddie Bauer Women's Everyday Essentials Sleeveless Mock Neck Tank is sharp-looking and practical.
And before heading on the trail, snag an Eddie Bauer backpack, where you'll find styles suited for a short day hike or a weekend thru-trek. Don't forget to check the Eddie Bauer sale section for coupons and promo codes on gear and apparel.