Pet Expenses Survey 2023 — Results
Here are the results from our Pet Expenses Survey 2023. Thank you to all who participated!
Have you ever owned a pet?
Have you ever rescued/adopted a pet?
Do you currently own a pet?
(if "no") Are you interested in owning a pet?*
How many pets do you have?
- One (44%)
- Two (25%)
- Five or more (13%)
- Three (12%)
- Four (6%)
What kind of pet(s) do you have? (select all that apply)
- Dog (69%)
- Cat (47%)
- Fish (9%)
- Bird (4%)
- Reptile/Amphibian (4%)
- Other [please specify] (4%)
- Hamster/Guinea Pig (3%)
- Rabbit (2%)
- Horse (1%)
Do you have a pet because you wanted one or did your friend(s)/family convince you to get one (i.e. guilted you into it)?
- I wanted my pet(s). (88%)
- My friend(s)/family convinced me to get one. (12%)
Do you have pet insurance?
On average, how much do you spend per pet each month (including medications, grooming, food, etc.)?
- $50-$100 (42%)
- Less than $50 (29%)
- $101-$250 (22%)
- $251-$500 (5%)
- More than $500 (2%)
Do you spend more money on your pet(s) than you spend on yourself?
Do you prefer to purchase your pet supplies online or in-store?
- Online (63%)
- In-store (37%)
Do you look for discounts when shopping for your pet(s)?
Out of the following, what’s the biggest expense for your pet(s) aside from veterinarian expenses? (select up to 2 choices)
- Daily food (90%)
- Treats (31%)
- Accessories [i.e. collar, leash, cage bedding, etc.] (16%)
- Toys (8%)
- Clothing [i.e. jackets, sweaters, boots, costumes, etc.] (3%)
Do you currently have a monthly subscription for pet products (i.e. food, treats, toys, etc.)?
Do you make your own pet food/treats?
Do you buy your pet(s) a birthday/”gotcha” day present or special treat?
Do you buy your pet(s) presents or special treats for holidays?
Do you dress your pet up for holidays?
(if “yes”) What holiday(s) do you dress your pet up for? (select all that apply)
- Winter holiday season [i.e. Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.] (82%)
- Halloween (71%)
- Valentine’s Day (28%)
- Easter (26%)
- 4th of July/Independence Day (24%)
- New Year’s Eve/Day (22%)
- Thanksgiving (20%)
- St. Patrick’s Day (16%)
- Other [please specify] (9%)
- Cinco de Mayo (6%)
- Mother’s Day (5%)
- Father’s Day (5%)
What habits do you wish your pet(s) would stop doing? (select all that apply)
- Barking (29%)
- Scratching (26%)
- None – my pet has no bad habits. (25%)
- Going potty where they're not supposed to. (21%)
- Begging (19%)
- Jumping (15%)
- Stealing food (8%)
If you could switch places with your pet for one day, would you do it?
If you could take your pet everywhere with you, would you?
Out of the following, what’s your favorite thing about having a pet? (select all that apply)
- Lowers my stress level (67%)
- Never feeling lonely (59%)
- Having a “no questions asked” companion (55%)
- Keeps me active (44%)
- Responsibility for something other than myself (30%)
- Being in a community of other pet owners (11%)
The survey polled a cross-section of 1,815 adults, aged 18 and over.
*Respondents were brought to the end of the survey upon completing the question marked with (*). The remaining questions following the (*) were answered only by respondents who currently own a pet.