Holiday Prep Survey 2022 — Results
Here are the results from our Holiday Prep Survey 2022. Thank you to all who participated!
Are you looking forward to the holiday season?
- Yes (80 percent)
- No (20 percent)
Do you feel financially prepared for this holiday season?
- Yes (53 percent)
- No (47 percent)
Will you be purchasing gifts this holiday season?
- Yes (89 percent)
- No (11 percent)
(if yes) How many total people will you be purchasing gifts for?
- 5 to 9 people (40 percent)
- 1 to 4 people (29 percent)
- 10 to 14 people (20 percent)
- 15 or more people (11 percent)
(if yes) How much do you plan to spend per person (on average)?
- $50 to $100 (39 percent)
- Less than $50 (38 percent)
- $101 to $250 (15 percent)
- $251 to $500 (Five percent)
- $501 to $1,000 (Two percent)
- More than $1,000 (One percent)
(if yes) Do the people you’re buying gifts for know what they are getting in advance?
- No (87 percent)
- Yes (13 percent)
Do you expect to spend more money on holiday items this year because of inflation?
- Yes (61 percent)
- No (39 percent)
Do you plan on spending more or less than last year's holiday season?
- The same as last year (45 percent)
- More (32 percent)
- Less (23 percent)
Do you create a spending/holiday budget?
- No (54 percent)
- Yes (46 percent)
(if yes) Do you typically stick to your budget for the holidays?
- Yes (73 percent)
- No (27 percent)
Do you plan to travel for the holidays?
- No (68 percent)
- Yes (32 percent)
(if yes) How far do you plan to travel for the holidays?
- Another state (59 percent)
- Another city (22 percent)
- Another country (19 percent)
(if yes) How do you plan to travel? (select all that apply)
- By car (60 percent)
- By plane (50 percent)
- By bus or train (Eight percent)
- On a cruise (Four percent)
In your opinion, what do you find the most stressful out of the following? (select up to 2 responses)
- Shopping for gifts (46 percent)
- Nothing – the holiday season doesn’t stress me out. (25 percent)
- Holiday meals [cooking/baking] (22 percent)
- Seeing extended family (21 percent)
- Traveling (17 percent)
- Decorating (11 percent)
(if “Shopping for gifts”) Why does shopping for gifts cause you stress? (select all that apply)
- Finding the perfect gifts people will actually like (74 percent)
- Looking for the best deals/sales (54 percent)
- Spending too much money or going into debt (51 percent)
- Crowded stores/long lines (37 percent)
- Saving enough money for gifts (33 percent)
- Looking for out of stock items (15 percent)
How do you prepare for holiday shopping? (select all that apply)
- Researching the best sales/prices (72 percent)
- Creating a list of everything you need to buy (52 percent)
- Shopping throughout the year (42 percent)
- Budgeting/saving enough money to cover holiday spending (35 percent)
- Pre-ordering any new items that may sell out (17 percent)
Are you planning to shop for gifts early or are you holding off until Black Friday/holiday sales?
- Shopping early (51 percent)
- Waiting for Black Friday/holiday sales (49 percent)
Have you already started shopping for this upcoming holiday season?
- Will start in November (30 percent)
- Yes, I already started but have not finished (28 percent)
- Will start in October (17 percent)
- Will start in September (12 percent)
- Will start in December (Eight percent)
- Yes, I already started and completed my holiday shopping (Five percent)
What was the latest you waited to buy a holiday gift?
- A few days/day before gifting. (50 percent)
- A few weeks before gifting. (25 percent)
- The day-of gifting. (15 percent)
- More than a month before gifting. (10 percent)
Do you shop during any of the following popular times? (select all that apply)
- Cyber Monday (79 percent)
- Black Friday (78 percent)
- First week of December (47 percent)
- Saturday after Thanksgiving (47 percent)
- Cyber Tuesday (36 percent)
How will you be doing the majority of your holiday shopping?
- Online (85 percent)
- In-person (15 percent)
What do you overspend the most on during the holidays?
- Gifts (61 percent)
- Food/Beverages (19 percent)
- Travel (10 percent)
- Experiences [i.e. ice skating, skiing, holiday light shows, etc.] (Seven percent)
- Holiday decorations (Three percent)
Do you ever change your mind about buying a gift because the shipping is too expensive?
- Yes (86 percent)
- No (14 percent)
(if yes) What’s the most you would spend on shipping for a gift?
- $0.01-$5 (34 percent)
- $5.01-$8 (29 percent)
- $8.01-$10 (19 percent)
- More than $10 (18 percent)
Do you ever change your mind about buying a gift because the shipping takes too long?
- Yes (84 percent)
- No (16 percent)
(if yes) How long are you willing to wait for shipping?
- 4-6 days (48 percent)
- 1-2 weeks (35 percent)
- 1-3 days (13 percent)
- 3-4 weeks (Three percent)
- More than 4 weeks (One percent)
The survey polled a cross-section of 2,910 adults, aged 18 and over.