Utilities Survey

Utilities Survey

Posted on Jan 10 2019 Posted in  Giveaways & Contests, Member Rewards
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Utilities Survey

Each month, Americans spend millions of dollars on household utilities, including electricity, cable and other services. Although we may feel like we are stuck paying hundreds of dollars to utility companies, there is often a solution.

Have you decided to cancel your cable service this year? Switch your heat from oil to electric? TopCashback wants to learn more about your utilities. And who better to ask all these questions to than you?

We love to hear from our members about their financial mindsets. Take the brief survey and enter for a chance to win $25! One lucky winner will be selected at random on January 23, 2019.

Participants are required to answer every question to be eligible for the giveaway. Responses are voluntary and will remain confidential. All answers will be compiled together and analyzed as a group.

Take our survey below!


February 19 2019, 21:07 I am loving it
Madgeik January 22 2019, 20:31 Fast and easy
Madgeik January 22 2019, 20:31 Fast and easy
easley6168January 22 2019, 17:35 Quick and easy survey
serendipitymomJanuary 22 2019, 16:20 Thank you 🤗
twinsaJanuary 22 2019, 15:31 Easy Survey!
twinsaJanuary 22 2019, 15:31 Easy Survey!
January 22 2019, 15:25 Sometimes they work with you
January 22 2019, 15:25 Sometimes they work with you
January 22 2019, 15:25 Sometimes they work with you
marciJanuary 22 2019, 14:51 Good site
marciJanuary 22 2019, 14:51 Good site
BOYU CHENJanuary 22 2019, 13:26 Will do upon payment
joy050804January 22 2019, 12:51 Will do upon payment
January 22 2019, 10:44 Nice live site
jenniferwilcox84January 21 2019, 14:27 I love you TopCashback 😍
Kate4885January 21 2019, 11:56 Easy Survey!
Renee WoolawayJanuary 21 2019, 07:55 Thanks!I love surveys
Renee WoolawayJanuary 21 2019, 07:55 Thanks!I love surveys
Renee WoolawayJanuary 21 2019, 07:55 Thanks!I love surveys
emman719January 21 2019, 07:47 Thank you very much!
January 21 2019, 06:15 Nice websites
January 21 2019, 06:15 Nice websites
bittyJanuary 20 2019, 20:56 Thank you!
messadiJanuary 20 2019, 19:00 Top cashback is a good website
messadiJanuary 20 2019, 19:00 Top cashback is a good website
YOU TIANJanuary 20 2019, 17:13 Thank you.
SuadJanuary 20 2019, 06:34 Some how
风来花自舞January 20 2019, 05:04 No,It is very good.
Member117545904403January 19 2019, 10:50 Explaining the benefits of other companies and their promotions
Member117545904403January 19 2019, 10:48 Streaming services are a better option than a full cable package
camilia nasmanJanuary 19 2019, 06:18 نعم! أنا افعل نعم
camilia nasmanJanuary 19 2019, 06:17 نعم! أنا افعل نعم
January 19 2019, 02:16 Top cashback website are best
gpm290January 18 2019, 16:38 We do not have a choice on local utilities in the City of Los Angeles, ca. Wish we have a Community choice energy alternative but not holding my breath.
atroposzJanuary 18 2019, 11:19 Awesome site!
storm69678January 17 2019, 17:53 Yeah I do.
pygamez27January 17 2019, 16:49 Yes! I do
pygamez27January 17 2019, 16:49 Yes! I do
pygamez27January 17 2019, 16:49 Yes! I do
bousselacJanuary 17 2019, 14:52 Yes yes yes
January 17 2019, 14:43 Yes.....
January 17 2019, 11:12 Yes yes yes yes
shopsway2muchJanuary 17 2019, 07:13 Thanks, would love to cut utility costs
shopsway2muchJanuary 17 2019, 07:13 Thanks, would love to cut utility costs
d0min0January 17 2019, 07:00 If utility rates can really be negotiated, that would be great
Member117684463608January 17 2019, 03:45 Too high
RaddicalgalJanuary 16 2019, 21:17 Utility rates don't seem to be negotiable in my area.
ivaha33January 16 2019, 20:19 Yes, I like shopping!!
Member117680525253January 16 2019, 15:31 Yesssssssssssssssssss
TaniaSerdiukJanuary 16 2019, 12:11 Yes, I like shopping!!
Member1111421771629January 16 2019, 11:32 Yes yes yes yes

IGOR11January 16 2019, 07:40 Yes! Thank you!
IGOR11January 16 2019, 07:40 Yes! Thank you!
IGOR11January 16 2019, 07:40 Yes! Thank you!
IGOR11January 16 2019, 07:40 Yes! Thank you!
LolojoeJanuary 15 2019, 23:11 Yes, I like this post and thank you.
Member117666672150January 15 2019, 20:26 Yes, I like shopping!!
DonleeJanuary 15 2019, 19:22 Thank you
January 15 2019, 13:12 We just got rid of cable. Our water and sewer or on the same bill so I got that wrong on the survey. We got rid of the trash and recycle pick up last year because they kept raising the price.
mselter94January 15 2019, 12:48 I do like this post. That is why I decided to take the survey.
mselter94January 15 2019, 12:48 I do like this post. That is why I decided to take the survey.
Marilyn HancockJanuary 15 2019, 12:24 Thank you
January 15 2019, 08:53 Thanks but I have well water and septic tank so I dont pay for water or sewage.
Benneh11January 14 2019, 23:22 Thank you and I believe every question om this survey covered each aspect of utilities and the bills attached to them.
Member22939867122January 14 2019, 21:08 Thank you
Member22939867122January 14 2019, 21:08 Thank you
ebjincJanuary 14 2019, 20:50 New to me, didnt know you had extra surveys
EnochychanJanuary 14 2019, 19:53 Gooooooooooooood
Member117460171627January 14 2019, 18:48 Great! I like it!
Member1015890213740January 14 2019, 12:45 Great post
ahbchanJanuary 14 2019, 12:24 It is cool!
January 14 2019, 08:29 I like it
January 14 2019, 08:29 I like this post
Member915431656801January 14 2019, 08:26 I rent an apartment and do not need to pay most of utility fees
Member117630238608January 14 2019, 06:03 No comment
vertsJanuary 14 2019, 04:53 Interesting
January 14 2019, 04:51 No comment
January 14 2019, 04:51 No comment
CorricmJanuary 14 2019, 03:05 I am not sure that the actual survey can be accurate most bills where I live are combined like my water and sewer or my electric and gas.
IcecoolJanuary 14 2019, 01:51 No comment
fduwxcgJanuary 13 2019, 16:17 Interesting
January 13 2019, 09:58 Very interesting
January 13 2019, 06:40 Yes , i'm really love it
Member814998860051January 12 2019, 20:32 No comment
Member814998860051January 12 2019, 20:30 No comment
mrspiggy549January 12 2019, 18:35 Insurance is the biggest waste of money. If you make a claim, they raise your rates. I could have bought 2 homes with the premiums I pay!
Swilliams4133January 12 2019, 17:26 Cable at this point is useless, and I need to save money,
ninerbabeJanuary 12 2019, 15:59 Nothing to add
January 12 2019, 06:34 Thanks very much
royoswaldJanuary 12 2019, 05:38 Thank you!
January 11 2019, 14:19 Thank you
serendipitymomJanuary 11 2019, 14:11 We have a septic system/Sand mound well so we do not pay for water or sewage. Thank
Member1217432123733January 11 2019, 11:17 To save more money
Member1217432123733January 11 2019, 11:16 Thanks, I want to save more money regarding those utilities
Wenqian_TaoJanuary 11 2019, 09:57 Is there a "back" option in this survey?
Wenqian_TaoJanuary 11 2019, 09:57 Is there a "back" option in this survey?
Wenqian_TaoJanuary 11 2019, 09:57 Is there a "back" option in this survey?
January 11 2019, 08:52 Its somthing I have no ideal about how it looks and wanted to try it just for once
Member1015733532432January 11 2019, 05:30 Have to have all of these things kind of hard to cancel them
jmart27January 11 2019, 05:20 Who would cancel utility? Unless you have your own water and electrical source...?
January 11 2019, 04:09 Vgkhf,kb.Khgbkjbjkblhvbs.Lkd
January 11 2019, 04:09 Vgkhf,kb.Khgbkjbjkblhvbs.Lkd
askabby39_January 10 2019, 21:06 I need all my utilities!
bopperwhopperJanuary 10 2019, 15:51 I hang my clothes out to dry instead of using a dryer and changed all my lights to LEDs.
PriyakiaanJanuary 10 2019, 13:43 Utilities bills really high.Their is no way to reduce them.
Gblackwood15January 10 2019, 13:11 Not sure what you want
Gblackwood15January 10 2019, 13:10 I can't cancel any of my utilities except satellite tv.
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