Whether you are moving to a new home or just want to save some cash, understanding how to buy in bulk can save you a ton of money and time. When you purchase goods in larger quantities, you effectively lower the cost of the items per unit and your stash lasts you longer than smaller orders.
Do you stock up on non-perishable goods like rice, pasta, soap or paper towels? Does buying in bulk always save you money? Where do you find the best deals when bulk buying?
These are the things TopCashback wants to know. And who better to ask all these questions to than you?
We love to hear from our members about their shopping habits. Take a brief survey and enter for a chance to win $50! One lucky winner will be selected at random on August 2nd.
Please be sure to submit your email address at the end of the survey to be selected at random. Participants are required to answer every question to be eligible for the giveaway.
Responses are voluntary and will remain confidential. All answers will be compiled together and analyzed as a group.
Take our survey below!