AmScope is the #1 online retailer of microscopes and accessories. Specializing in high-quality, yet economical microscopes, AmScope is a key supplier in early education, biomedical research, industrial inspection, and technology repair fields. We have a huge product line, with a comprehensive selection of accessories, including digital imaging products. In business for over 14 years, we have seen steady growth in sales and brand recognition.
During the holiday season, we will see a surge in kids' educational products. Some of our best-selling items will sell in the hundreds, if not thousands, creating a great opportunity for commissionable sales. With the year-end looming, professional organizations will look to exhaust their budgets, which often leads to large purchases.
We want to remind customers that we offer FREE shipping within the United States (excluding AK, HI). We want to provide the best service, and that includes getting the product where it needs to be by the time it needs to be there.